About Me

Alan Sparrow

After 48 years as a teacher, coach, and administrator, I retired from my position as head of school in 2020. The title I used at school however was Headlearner. This title captured my approach to being an educator and an administrator. When everyone in a school community is learning, the environment is interesting, open, and stimulating. I bring that same energy and enthusiasm to my coaching and consulting.  

Everyone has potential and good coaching brings the best out of people. I am focusing my coaching on independent school educational leaders.  In particular, new heads of school and senior administrators, though I have also coached experienced heads and staff aspiring to move into administrative positions.  If you are interested in exploring coaching with me, you can read a number of testimonials on this website. I am happy to give you their contact information if you would like to speak with any of them or other references.

My success as a head of school depended on my ability to develop and work with a strong board of trustees. I enjoy sharing what I learned in this area with others. I have conducted governance workshops through NWAIS (Northwest Association of Independent Schools) as well as for a number of schools both in-person and virtually. I would be happy to share contact information for schools where I have conducted workshops.

One of my great pleasures as an educational leader was developing new leaders. The two most important ways to do that are mentoring and giving feedback. I developed effective administrative evaluation systems for myself and my administrative team and have presented workshops on head and administrator evaluation systems.

I have enjoyed working with a range of schools and educators from large schools with significant financial resources to small schools that are struggling financially.  I offer a sliding scale based on a school’s ability to pay, particularly for new heads of school. Please feel free to contact me for more information.